Meyer   Riegger

They Are Coming Eva Koťátková

26.04.13 – 08.06.13 Solo Exhibition Meyer Riegger, Berlin


The configuration of the human body and its contingency upon spirit and soul as well as external influences coming from institutions and other social structures are recurrent subjects in Eva Kotatkovas work. The artist examines approaches to internal and external formulations of corporeality and what we perceive as belonging to the body – its boundaries and externalisations; and then again the incompleteness, the discontinuity between inside and outside, with the question: What makes us be and …


Eva Kotátková They Are Coming 26.04.-08.06.2013 Die Konfiguration des menschlichen Körpers sowie äußere Einflüsse auf diesen durch Institutionen und soziale Strukturen, sind ein wiederkehrendes Sujet in den Arbeiten von Eva Kotátková. Die Künstlerin untersucht Ansätze der inneren und äußeren Ausformung des Körperlichen und das, was wir als dem Körper zugehörig empfinden – dessen Begrenzung und Externalisierung, dann wieder die Unvollständigkeit, ja den Bruch zwischen Innen und Außen mit der …

Theatre of Speaking Objects (black theatre props)
Theatre of Speaking Objects (black theatre props)
Theatre of Speaking Objects (black theatre props)
Fragmented Body 1 (installation for a performance)
Fragmented Body 1 (installation for a performance)
Fragmented Body 1 (installation for a performance)
Fragmented Body 1 (installation for a performance)
Fragmented Body 2
Fragmented Body 2
Untitled (Theatre of speaking objects)
Untitled (Theatre of Speaking Objects)
Untitled (Theatre of Speaking Objects)
Untitled (Circus)
Untitled (Circus)
Untitled (Circus)
Untitled (Circus)
Untitled (Circus)
Untitled (Circus)
They Are Coming
They Are Coming
They Are Coming
Not how people move, but what moves them
Not how people move, but what moves them
Not how people move, but what moves them
Not how people move, but what moves them
They Are Coming

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