Meyer   Riegger

Eva Koťátková

Inspired by surrealism Eva Koťátková’s distinctive artistic vocabulary unites sculpture, text and performance. As metaphor of modern civilization her comprehensive work illustrates dreams, expectations and deals with mutual anxieties mainly experienced by children, elderly people and animals – the so-presumed weak of society to indicate the fragility of the subject facing maintained structures. She further explores the relationship between the private and personal on one hand and the public, authoritarian sphere on the other and their antagonistic relation constantly implying and questioning a sublime institutional critique beneath the surface.

How many giraffes are in the air we breathe?
How many giraffes are in the air we breathe?
How many giraffes are in the air we breathe?
How many giraffes are in the air we breathe?
My Body Is Not An Island
My Body Is Not An Island
My Body Is Not An Island
My Body Is Not An Island
My Body Is Not An Island
I Sometimes Imagine I’m a Fish with Legs
Night workers
My Body Is Not an Island
from the series Blankets, Monsters, Anna and the World
Monster 2 (for Dreaming)
Daydreaming Workstation
Daydreaming Workstation
Interviews with the Monster
Interviews with the Monster
Interviews with the Monster
The Machine for Restoring Empathy (detail)
In the body of a fish out of water
Confessions of a Piping System
Confessions of a Piping System
Room for Restoring Empathy
The Dream Machine is Asleep
Interviews with the Monster
from the series Me and others, me from parts
from the series Me and others, me from parts
The Machine for Restorating Empathy
The Machine for Restorating Empathy
from the series Unlearning instinct
from the series Unlearning instinct
from the series The Dream machine is asleep
Stomach of the World
Stomach of the World
Stomach of the World
The Dream Machine is Asleep
Diary no.3 (I-Machine)
Stomach of the World
Diary no.2 (I-Animal)
Diary no.2 (I-Animal)
Stomach of the World
Stomach of the World
Stomach of the World
Büro für Augen, Nase, Zunge, Mund, Herz, Hand und Maske (die alles überdeckt)
Diary of a stomach
Diary of a stomach
Diary of a stomach
Justizmord des Jakob Mohr
Justizmord des Jakob Mohr
Cutting the Puppeteer’s Strings with Paper Teeth (Brief History of Daydreaming and String Control)
Becoming a bird or a cage (depending on the occasion)
Theatre for 6 hands, For a hand which is temporarily handicapped
Cutting the Puppeteer’s Strings with Paper Teeth (Brief History of Daydreaming and String Control)
Cutting the Puppeteer’s Strings with Paper Teeth (Brief History of Daydreaming and String Control)
Cutting the Puppeteer’s Strings with Paper Teeth (Brief History of Daydreaming and String Control)
Aleš's devices to measure the world
Training in Ambidexterity
from the series Collection of suppressed voices
Theatre of speaking objects
Theatre of speaking objects
Anatomical Orchestra
Anatomical Orchestra
Anatomical Orchestra
Untitled (Theatre of speaking objects)
Not how people move, but what moves them
Fragmented Body 1 (installation for a performance)
Fragmented Body 1 (installation for a performance)
Educational Model
Educational Model
Educational Model
House Arrest No. 4
House Arrest No. 4
House Arrest no.1
House Arrest (Detail)
Behind between over and under in (the room)
Behind Between Over Under In (The Room)
Behind Between Over Under In (The Room)
Behind Between Over Under In (The Room)
Eva Koťátková

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