Meyer   Riegger

Sigueme Sigueme Paul Hance

16.12.22 – 21.01.23 Solo Exhibition Meyer Riegger, Berlin


Paul Hance is a trip and a half. I had not seen him for 10 years, and then he was suddenly standing next to me, near a conveyor belt at Edinburgh airport. We talked for a moment while Paul waited for his tent and outdoor gear to arrive. On the way out, he looked into my eyes and said, “If you would really start to meditate, I think we could become great friends.” Little did I know that just a few days later a seemingly massive pillar of my sturdily build self-image would implode. As my life lay …

Gateway to Hyperspace
Sigueme Sigueme
Sigueme Sigueme
Sigueme Sigueme
Comming Through (The Energy)
Sigueme Sigueme
Beacon, Celestial Planes (emerald green and gold-pink)
Beacon, Celestial Planes (cobalt blue and gold-pink)
Sigueme Sigueme
Akasha Light
Sigueme Sigueme
Sol Beltran, 8am
Vajra, Kindred Spirit
Awakening Borealis
Illumination Flashing from an Open Sky
Sigueme Sigueme
Méditation Momentum
Méditation Momentum
Moon in Sagittarius
Twin Mate
Beacon, Celestial Planes (gold-pink)
Sigueme Sigueme

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