Meyer   Riegger

Visitors Jan Zöller

17.09.22 – 22.10.22 Solo Exhibition Meyer Riegger, Berlin


“The Corner of Cultivation If not even this leg is like my other leg, but different. With hidden sensations, tensions and abilities How could I ever know about another ones arm? I’ve known every thing until some thing new was shown Accepting to never knowing.” Jan Zöller is a keen observer of his surroundings with a particular eye for the social structures that determine our day to day interactions. His paintings and, even more so, his exhibitions, are not self-contained constructs …


“The Corner of Cultivation If not even this leg is like my other leg, but different. With hidden sensations, tensions and abilities How could I ever know about another ones arm? I’ve known every thing until some thing new was shown Accepting to never knowing.” Jan Zöller ist ein genauer Beobachter seiner Umwelt und vor allem jener sozialen Strukturen, die unser gesellschaftliches Miteinander bestimmen. Seine Arbeiten und vor allem auch seine Ausstellungen sind keine in sich …

They are the reason you can´t sleep at night
The one in between
Visitor (ARRIVING)
Visitor (LEAVING)
Dream of dreamers close by the trees
Wisdom Tree
Remote viewing
Uncertainty Principle

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