Meyer   Riegger

Caroline Bachmann

Caroline Bachmann’s paintings owe as much to turn-of-last-century Symbolism – in their attempt to depict an infinite stillness, whose synthetic depiction of nature could be mistaken for that of eternity – as to plein air painting. The artist lives and works on the shore of Lake Geneva, where she spends hours contemplating the scenery, recording with a lead pencil on paper minute details of atmospheric events, making notes in the margins of subtle colour changes – not unlike comic book …

Le Rhin
Le Rhin IV
Le Rhin XXII
Notan soleil levant
Notan lune grand reflet
Le Matin
Le Matin
Le Matin
Le Matin
Le matin
Le matin
Pleine lune arc-en-ciel
installation view (UN)CERTAIN GROUND, Kunsthaus Centre d'art Pasquart
Pleine lune trois nuages
Mai-Thu Perret
Nuage traversant
Nuages reflet
Vaudaire orange
Risée croissant de lune
58 av. J.-C.
58 av. J.-C.
58 av. J.-C.
58 av. J.-C.
58 av. J.-C.
58 av. J.-C.
Caroline Bachmann à Locus Solus
Caroline Bachmann à Locus Solus
Caroline Bachmann à Locus Solus
Queen of the Mountains
Queen of the Mountains
Caroline Bachmann – Peinture Stefan Banz – Installation
Caroline Bachmann – Peinture Stefan Banz – Installation
Caroline Bachmann – Peinture Stefan Banz – Installation
Caroline Bachmann – Peinture Stefan Banz – Installation
Caroline Bachmann – Peinture Stefan Banz – Installation
Le Matin
Caroline Bachmann

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